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Site status update

The site has undergone much cleanup recently. Please check out that everything works!

As we prepare to release the site from general beta testing to full status, we have done a lot of behind-the-scenes cleanup.  Please let us know if everything still works.
Also, the Monte-Carlo tools are now available again to beta users.  We have made significant improvements to the code which supports that capability.  The computation is carried out using Vanderbilt's newest version of the MRED code.  This uses the current release of Geant4, 4.9.4-patch01.  It uses CEM03.03 for proton and neutron induced nuclear reactions at high energy, and LAQGSM03 for heavy incident ions. These should provide state-of-the-art nuclear physics, including good fission reaction cross sections for heavy metals of relevance to the semiconductor industry (tungsten, e.g.).   
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