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HUP SEU Cross Section Data Inputs

You must be careful to provide the SEU cross-section information to the CREME96/HUP routine in the units expected by the program. In particular:

  • The heavy-ion SEU cross-section MUST ALWAYS be specified in units of square-microns/bit. (NOT per device!)
    • The reason for this requirement is that CREME96 SEE-calculations are done in the context of the RPP model. Thus, a key ingredient of the calculations is the distribution of path lengths through the sensitive volume of the bit. Those distributions are radically different when the lateral dimensions are those of a bit or of the device as a whole. For example, suppose you have a device consisting of 10000 bits, each with a 1 x 1 x 1 microns sensitive volume. A single sensitive volume with dimensions of 100 x 100 x 1 microns is not equivalent, since it contains many, many chords through it much longer than 1.732 microns, which is the maximum chord length in the real sensitive volume. Treating the whole device as a single sensitive volume therefore leads to gross overestimates of the SEE-rate, by incorrectly including contributions of low-LET particles traveling along very long paths, which do not actually exist.
  • For fits to the cross-section (Weibull, etc.), the fit parameters must yield the cross-section (in square microns/bit) as a function of effective LET (in units of MeV-cm2/milligram; NOT /gram!)
  • Values in user-supplied tables of cross-section vs. effective LET must also be in these units.
  • For critical charge option, the critical charge must be given in picoCoulombs (= 10-12 Coulombs).
  • RPP dimensions of the bit sensitive volume must be specified in microns. - If you set x=y=0 in the RPP dimension input fields, HUP will automatically reset them to the square root of the limiting cross-section per bit. - Alternatively, if you put zero in the limiting cross-section input field under the Weibull and Critical Charge options in HUP, the limiting cross-section will be automatically reset to "xy", the product of the lateral RPP dimensions. - If you set x=y=0 and the limiting cross-section = 0, HUP will return an SEU rate of zero.
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